Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Different View of Creation

Origins of Our Mythological course

 In the beginning there was a gathering, souls all different, not one like the others yet all connected in intention. Intention, a word used to describe the aspiration to enter the course with open mind and open hopes to achieve the standard of approval we all aspire towards. Eager eyes of curious individuals or some anxious twists and turns of the bodies of others and of course confident postured grins of the prized student achievers sitting, notebook poised as if to march into the bloody front of education pressing the lines of mental battle forward into the dark depths of ignorance. Regardless of mental state, the mass of minds and bodies crowd into the small (uncomfortably small mind you) desks of our imprisonment. Fitting, the idea of such ordinary objects such as desks to mentally ascertain the image of such a negative cells of stone and metal entrapment, for beyond the simple drive of self improvement, many are held in their cold small cell by means of threat. Not by threat of physical pain or solitary isolation as one might traditionally expect in such imprisonment ideologies but by something much worse, failure. Thus, the image of our creationism is set in place. Eyes forward we see the mortal, yet for all intensive purposes, godly figure of our situation. Our creator our forger our shaper of unformed mythological thought take his place in the front of the classroom. An unsettled silence settles over the once quietly murmuring faces of our class. Thoughts streaming in each ones eyes wonderment setting in place. Agonizing curiosity taking hold. Finally our deity speaks! A rambling of words takes place. We hear of discovery and tree hugging and a variety of other most confusing concepts set in place. This man of age? This professor of rambling intentions is to lead us forward in our understanding of such a vast world that is greek and roman mythology? But how!? Toss us to a world that we see most everyday of routine and tell us to see "magic" in places we have looked countless times before and seen nothing. Compare our lives to those of ancient lineage, that is our goal. No wordy sheets of terms no by the page tests and quizzes. Independence sets in pulling some closer to creator. Eyes and minds scrambling to piece together what is being spoken while other withdraw, minds clouded no..formed to the working world around us. Driven by the anticipated words of superiors and scheduled testing, then set into this world created for us to explore without traditional guidance. Withdrawn, these students would sit with weary cold eyes doubting in the purpose of the course. Thus, a stage or both curiosity and doubt was weaved into a new world that only exists Monday, Wednesday, and Friday  1:10 to roughly 2, give or take a minute.

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