Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Initiation of Our Creation


Doubts within the minds of individuals who past thought ill of such "silly" creations of this new world soon began to understand the once thought jumbled spoken word of the mythology creator and soon began to view the world around them in a slightly different tone. By tone I mean they soon saw the driven purpose of this leader of ideas. Magic, is not the purpose but understanding. Understanding that the world before them is not the new mysterious and massive entity that has alluded so many. It is merely history on repeat. All things before their eyes is merely action with-held in a precedent marked down through time from origin to ear to mouth from mouth to mouth a far and finally to book to be written again and rewritten and interpreted by many in their own creative expression to understanding of these actions as we know them today. Such a massive world of written art and painted art and spoken or sang art reduced in such a way that one would at first glance assume that no work of art or expression could then possibility be original or creative. But there in lies the genius of our mythological deity's words. Just because something is not fully original does not make it any less beautiful or creative or intelligent. Thus, we take our step into his initiation. This initiation, like so many others, is characterized by pain. This pain though is not the physical pain that forces one into adulthood through trauma but a different pain altogether. The pain of expansion. Expansion of both understanding as well as expansion of ability to piece together the clues that develop into the beauty or a world that is preceded by many but seen only by those currently reside within it. Originality. That is what one student has absorbed in this white haired speakers words. Not originality to create but to see and absorb and interpret the world surrounding us all in unique way to make it our own. How then could one say with all intended truthfulness that originality is dead? How can we dismiss a great work of art expressed in any manner merely because it has been done a different way before? Personally I say we cannot which through much struggle I have come to understand. Mind once formed scientifically opens a new route to another way of viewing life. The road to this path stricken with much struggle and pain. Thus, initiation. Through pain and struggle many may find that a closed mind for the sake of comfortable study hinders and leaves so much unseen which thus proposes in a unique matter a new age question of where do we all stand without forced initiation? Our new world formed only from 1:10 to 2 three days a week, may have occurred in an insignificant period of time in an insignificant manner in an otherwise insignificant town and campus compared to the infinite expanse that is our history, but the to those that have been enveloped into this seemingly insignificant space of time, an entirely different view is seen of a world that is full of uniquely formed individuals and ideas that constantly flows in and out of the threads that hold our humanity together from generation to generation in the endless tapestry of sad and angry and happy beauty that is our universe. 

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